Homelessness & Transit Budget Waste?

Excellent article from California Globe.

An excerpt.

“Many cities in the United States are experiencing an overwhelming increase in the number of homeless people occupying the streets, leading many citizens to take action.

Recently, in lower Manhattan, residents were so fed up with city officials ignoring the homeless crisis, they started a petition to remedy the epidemic. Sacramento has a citizens group documenting the volume of homeless crimes, abuses, exposures, sex crimes, and the like, much to Mayor Steinberg’s chagrin.

“In spite of Los Angeles city officials paying $619 million last year to address the homeless crisis, this issue is only getting worse in L.A. and provides an explanation as to why private citizens feel the need to take matters into their own hands. Gov. Gavin Newsom announced in July regional leaders and “statewide experts” who will advise his administration on “solutions to address the state’s homelessness epidemic,” except these “statewide experts” are mayors and officials of the state’s most overrun cities, and long-time bureaucrats of the welfare system.

California’s homeless epidemic is not the only example of citizens in our state having to lead because Los Angeles government officials fail to do so.

“Stop The Purple Threat”

“Lisa Korbatov has been leading the fight against Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Purple Line, an issue the Globe has written about before, which serves as another example of wasteful government spending and mismanagement. Korbatov, well-known in Republican politics, and a former Beverly Hills School Board president, has led the effort to stop the Purple Line because of the unnecessary but significant health risks to students.

“Korbatov is leading the campaign called “Stop The Purple Threat.”

“The Purple Line, which was originally going to be built under a public right-of-way, moved 800 feet away from its original planned destination and is now being constructed on the fence line of the Beverly Hills High School. The project has continually gone over budget Korbatov says, and recently added $400 million to an already exorbitant budget. ….

“Californians have grown weary of their taxpayer dollars being wasted on so many unnecessary projects, while necessary infrastructure upgrades are ignored. We are now seeing more private citizens than ever taking action and demanding accountability. Whether it’s the homeless crisis taking place in California or dubious projects like the Purple Line expansion, citizens and taxpayers are demanding proper action from elected officials.”

Retrieved September 30, 2019 from https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/citizens-demand-action-on-l-a-s-purple-line-train-cost-overruns-and-mismanagement/

About David H Lukenbill

I am a native of Sacramento, as are my wife and daughter. I am a consultant to nonprofit organizations, and have a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Behavior and a Master of Public Administration degree, both from the University of San Francisco. We live along the American River with two cats and all the wild critters we can feed. I am the founding president of the American River Parkway Preservation Society and currently serve as the CFO and Senior Policy Director. I also volunteer as the President of The Lampstand Foundation, a nonprofit organization I founded in 2003.
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